Emotional Qualities of the Colour Blue in Art Therapy


Today we will be talking about the colour Blue

Blue is a primary colour (along with red and Yellow), and has been universally linked with the spirit. In fact, in the early period of the Church it was associated with the highest attainment of the soul, and on a physiological level relates to man’s will. It is a soulful colour – one that transcends time and space. It is “an accumulation of emptiness, the void of the Heavens, of the depths of the sea, of crystal or diamond. Blue is the coldest of colours.

It is this “accumulation of emptiness” that makes blue an ethereal colour. All objects, movements, sounds and shapes disappear into the blue abyss if we use this colour on our walls, clothing and art. It has a depth to it that draws everything within. To pierce blue is to step into another world, like Alice through the looking glass, and to explore the depths of our own unconscious mind. Where light blue is the colour of meditation, dark blue is the colour of dreams. The realm of blue, like the colour green, soothes and comforts. However, unlike green, blue does not stimulate. That is, to encase ourselves in blue is to move away from reality and into the surreal. This form of escapism, when not balanced, can soon lead to depression. The saying “got the blues” refers to depression and is indicative of the over-use of the colour blue.

Positive and Negative:

If in Art therapy the Colour blue is determined to be used for positive, then the positive use of the colour blue, based on universal philosophy and mythology, is said to symbolise:

Transcendent wisdom

Detachment from the world


Highest spiritual attainment

Indifferent and unafraid

Cooling and calm





The negative use of the colour blue, based on universal philosophy and mythology, is said to symbolise:



Escapism from reality





People with a preference for blue show these qualities: Cool and soothing, dreamy and magical. Peace and rest. For people who keep a certain distance, but give calm and practical help; they are faithful and loyal, have a sense for order, logic and rational thinking. Flying in day-dreaming, ideals or nostalgia when felt mis-understood. Dark blue is more severe and can be melancholic. Blue is also the colour of truth.

A person with an aversion to blue, may be very disciplined, strong career worker, with an aversion of commentary or restriction. He may have charted out a clear direction for his life and wants to follow it strictly.


A deep clear blue represents pure religious feelings, a pale ethereal blue indicates devotion to a noble idea, bright blue suggests loyalty and sincerity.

Healing Qualities:

Healing properties: Blue is cooling, electric, astringent. It cools down inflammations, fever, high blood pressure, stops bleedings, reliefs the bursting headaches, calms strong emotions like anger, aggression or hysteria. Brings tranquility. Anti-itching. Anti-irritation (for instance redness of the skin), anti-stress. Soothes suffering.

Blue can be used for any type of ailments associated with speech, communication, or the throat. Excellent for laryngitis or inflammation of the larynx.

Blue links with and stimulates the throat chakra. The throat chakra is often referenced as the “power center” and “the greatest center in the body” because it is the primary center of expression and communication, through speech.

For the most part, the use of blue is positive as it indicates a deeper connection with the unconscious mind and spirit. Over-use of this colour, as stated earlier, can lead to depression as the individual is not balanced in green (earth), instead the individual has escaped into the ethereal quality of blue – as though falling into a deep abyss, not ever to return. We all want to escape at times, this is natural, but for our health and wellness we need to return to life

How to use:

Blue is calming, relaxing and healing. But not as sedating as indigo. Also the colour of communication, so wearing blue when you really want to communicate with someone is helpful. Blue can be used in any rooms except those used for physical activity or play as it is a calming colour.

For the most part, blue touches on other worlds and as such should be approach with a curious, open mind, and not one burdened by a clinical world view. So great for a room you relax in.

Don’t forget that you can always re-watch the video to remember details about the colour  
