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-WHAT IS GRIEF? Grief is a normal response to losing someone or something that’s important to you. A lot of the time, we tend to associate grief with the death or loss of a loved one. However, many of us can experience grief in many different situations; the loss of a friendship, the loss of a lover and the potential future they represented.
-Even the loss of a pet can incur feelings of sadness or loneliness.
-Grief can be difficult to understand. You may feel a variety of emotions like sadness, anger, guilt or abandonment. But grief can also affect the way we think, behave, interact socially and even change the way we think about the world.
- Whilst there are believed to be stages of grief, there is no set process. Everyone experiences grief differently. Some people may experience feelings of loss for weeks or months, and others may carry this feeling for many years. While there is no clear science to dealing with grief, there are methods and treatment options that can help you cope.
-There are five understood stages of grief:
- Denial.
- Anger.
- Bargaining.
- Depression.
- Acceptance.
-These five stages represent the similar periods of grief a person may experience after a loss. Even though we all experience these five stages, we may spend different amounts of time working through each stage, or experience these stages in a different order.
-Within the heart aching and breaking things in loss and bereavement is the potential for major growth. You can go on to find new meaning in your life, find inner peace and calmness, find inner strength you didn’t know you had, discovering a new life purpose, reinvigorating your life. This can take a lot of time, and you may be stuck, sad and unhappy for a while. It is your choice to move past this.
-Time can only heal grief to a limited degree. The symptoms can reduce or be suppressed over time but they don’t disappear or go away. They will often transform into anger or depression. Others may experience a worsening of grief. Inner work is needed to see the wisdom and lessons that come from grief and transform them into gifts you can incorporate into your life.
-Counselling sessions are designed to assist your to create an awareness of what parts of you need healing. You are free to talk about your loss in an open understanding environment.
-Other people will tell you to move on, and you might even agree with them. However you just might not know how to do that. We will explore and create a way for you to move on to a more meaningful life incorporating your loss.
-Don’t be alone with your grief anymore, call me now to have a free 15 minute chat to see how we can work together.