-Do you feel like you are lacking as a father, partner employer or employee? Finding it hard to juggle everything in your life? Can’t talk to those closest to you for fear of being judged?
-Men often find it harder to accept that they need help and then to seek it out, dealing with the thoughts and feeling that happen when they are stressed.
-It is hard for a man to open up to the women closest to them as they feel they have to appear strong and powerful. ----So men find it hardest to open up to the people closest to them.
-When provided a safe non-judgmental place to put everything in perspective, you can learn new skills and deal with your situations more effectively.
-Often talking to another person outside of the situation can bring new light to a situation.
-In counselling you can explore what is happening and find a way forward in a confidential and supportive space. You explore options without the judgement and loss of respect you be afraid of receiving from friends and family.
-You can choose to invest in your own wellbeing and in effect those that you value in your life.
Call me know to arrange a free 15 minute chat to see how we can work together.

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